lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

Mysteries that have happened in my life!!

I have three stories that I can share with you:

1. In my house there is a bedroom where my sister used to sleep. Some years ago, when my cousins stayed in my home, they slept in that bedroom. The next day, they said that they had a headache or that they felt dizzy and they couldn’t sleep.
One day my mom slept in that bedroom and she dreamt with a woman who wanted to make my mom pray for her.
The next day my mom told that to a neighbour. She told her that she dreamt with a woman and she gave her the characteristics of the woman. My neighbour was surprised, because she said that the last owners of our house were an old woman and her husband, her daughter lived with them, but she died. She used to sleep in that bedroom.
After this event, my mom began to pray for that woman, and nowadays there is no problem in that bedroom.

2. One day when I was a child I had the terrible notice that my nephew died 5 months after he was born. The family was in shock.
In my house, there is a tricycle, so, some days after that, my dog was barking and when we went to see what happened, we saw that the tricycle had been moved, we never knew why the tricycle had moved.

3. The last story, I had a mirror in my house where if I was in the kitchen I could see who entered into the house. One day I was in the kitchen with my mom when I heard someone entering into the house, I though that it could be my sister, but when I saw the mirror I saw the door opened and a big white light. When I came to the door, the door was closed at the same time. Two weeks after my dog was dead. :’(

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