miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

A scary night and in the mornig continuos!!!!

When I had seventeen years old my cousin, me and his friends decided to go to Coetzalan in Puebla, in that place we rent a tent and hired a guide. The guide carried us into the forest at 5 o´clock in the afternoon and when we arrived at the place that we are going to camp the guide said us I got go because the place had a lot of mist and at more or less 7 o´clock you couldn´t see anything, but the strange thing is that the guide said us If we are sure to stay here at night, and we almost say yes, Why not? but the guide didn´t say anything.

At 12 o´clock in the night my cousin and me woke up because we listened steps outside of the tent, we thought that it colud be another campers or an animal but then we became scary because we listened like a kind of moans likely of a woman at the same time his girlfriend and hes sister woke up we are very frightening, it was horrible. Then the moans stoped and we return to sleep.

The other day we are very tired and frightening but my cousin said that it could be a montain cat and we tried to convince our selves that it coldn´t be anithing else. We went downt at the river but I felt down with a rock and I became wet so I decided to came back to the camp.

When I arrived I decided to make a campfirea and at the moment of I had doing that I could feel and listented the steps like someone are walked back of me . I turned my head but I couldn´t saw anything. After that I decided to go to another place. I was very scare. So we came back to the guide office and he asked why did you came back so early? and we told him about the strange things and he told us about the story of a woman that drawning here, he thought that we known about the story. We are very angry with the guide but more frightening.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

A Frightening Story by Arturo Sepúlveda Ayala

I'm going to to tell a story that I heard of one of my friends. Actually we don´t know if it´s true or just a tale.
One night of Halloween, in order to get some fun, a group of teenagers played the ouija. The night was cold and the air had a strange smell. They were in one of the boys’ house and his family had an old ouija which had belong to his great-grandmother. This woman had already dead by the time the boy was born so he never met her. The boy said he wanted to talk with her and that is the reason why he was playing this weird game.

The play began between laughters but this boy was really serious and concentrated. Suddenly a lightning fell and the whole dark room got illuminated and then the thunder made them tremble. All was quiet. The needle started to move and they asked who was moving it but nobody answered.

The needle moved without stoping, from one side to another, with no word pattern. It stopped and slowly formed the next words: “I´m coming for you”.

Somebody knocked the door but anyone wanted to open, they just heard the voice from a person outside: it was a woman who was in the corridor asking to enter. The door was locked but it seemed this woman was about to crash it. She was screaming like a crazy person so they pushed the sofa to keep the room locked. She didn´t stop to scream very loudly and the boy could hear her saying his name.

Then he realized she was his great-grandmother. He knew it but he couldn´t explain why.

He really wanted to open the door. He wished to see her but his friends managed to stop him. The noise was over but in that moment the girl of the group had a fit of hysterics. They tried to console her but with a strong and low voice she said “don´t come” . They were shocked.

The outside woman´s voice said ” I told you and you didn´t want to listen, now you will die” The girl started to move very abrubt and she said she would kill them. They tried to open the door but they couldn´t. The boy got out but the rest of the group didn´t. He heard his friend´s horrifying screams asking for help and kicking the door.

He wrote this history 45 years later. He has just went out of prission accused of killing his friends, which he found them died when he opened his room´s door.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

"the raises of dead people"

What “se me subió el muerto” means?

I will try to explain what is that.

Sometimes when you are sleeping you open your eyes and you feel like if you were trapped in a nightmare; you see your worst fears appears and you can only move your eyes. Your arms and hands can’t be moved to get away the phantoms or whatever you see around you.

You can imagine yourself awake at midnight seeing that the radio and the television are turned on and you are listening to some voices and screams of kids in your room.

I´m talking about this in my own experience..jeje..

You can’t escape, you can’t scream or talk. Your body does not answer you.

Some doctors explains this phenomenon saying that some parts of the brain stop working and only the part that control your eyes is working. This sometimes happens because of not having slept well or sufficient.


Mysteries that have happened in my life!!

I have three stories that I can share with you:

1. In my house there is a bedroom where my sister used to sleep. Some years ago, when my cousins stayed in my home, they slept in that bedroom. The next day, they said that they had a headache or that they felt dizzy and they couldn’t sleep.
One day my mom slept in that bedroom and she dreamt with a woman who wanted to make my mom pray for her.
The next day my mom told that to a neighbour. She told her that she dreamt with a woman and she gave her the characteristics of the woman. My neighbour was surprised, because she said that the last owners of our house were an old woman and her husband, her daughter lived with them, but she died. She used to sleep in that bedroom.
After this event, my mom began to pray for that woman, and nowadays there is no problem in that bedroom.

2. One day when I was a child I had the terrible notice that my nephew died 5 months after he was born. The family was in shock.
In my house, there is a tricycle, so, some days after that, my dog was barking and when we went to see what happened, we saw that the tricycle had been moved, we never knew why the tricycle had moved.

3. The last story, I had a mirror in my house where if I was in the kitchen I could see who entered into the house. One day I was in the kitchen with my mom when I heard someone entering into the house, I though that it could be my sister, but when I saw the mirror I saw the door opened and a big white light. When I came to the door, the door was closed at the same time. Two weeks after my dog was dead. :’(

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008


Made it by Arturo Sepúlveda Ayala

This is the song with the gaps filled:

Desmond has a barrow in the market place
Molly is the singer in a band
Desmond says to Molly "Girl I like your face "
And Molly says this is as she takes him by the hand

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

Desmond takes a trolly to the jewellers store
Buys a twenty carat golden ring
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her she begins to sing

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she still sings it with the band

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she still sings it with the band

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

And if you want some fun
Take Obladiblada

Activity of Gabriela A. Villa Cruz.


Desmond _has a barrow_ in the market place
Molly is the singer _in a band_
Desmond says to Molly "Girl _I like your face_"
And _Molly says this as she takes_ him by the hand
Obladi oblada life goes _on braah_
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes _on braah_
Lala how the life goes on

Desmond_takes a trolley to_the jewellers store
Buys a twenty _carat golden ring_
_Takes it back_to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her _she begins to sing_
Obladi oblada life goes _on braaah_
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes _on braaah_
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years _they have built a home sweet home_
_With a couple of kids_ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever_after in the market place_
Desmond lets the children lend a hand
Molly stays _at home and does her pretty face_
_And in the evening _ she still sings it with the band
Obladi oblada life goes _on braaah_
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes _on braaah_
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years _they have built a home sweet home _
_With a couple of kids_ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever _after in the market place_
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays _stays at home and does his pretty face_
And in the evening _she’s a singer with the band_
Obladi oblada life goes _on braah_
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes _on braaah_
Lala how the life goes on
And _if you want some fun_
Take Obladiblada
Thank you

josé manuel-activity

jeje...i need to improve my listening

Desmond ___has a…__ in the market place
Molly is the singer _in a band__
Desmond says to Molly "Girl ___i like_your …____"
And __molly says this as she takes him by the hand

Obladi oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on

Desmond____takes a …________the jewellers store
Buys a twenty ______...ring_____
______and takes it back______to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her she _beggins to sing_

Obladi oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home
_________¡?____________ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever _after in the market place
desmond lets the children lend a hand
molly stays ___at home with her pretty face_______
and in the evening she still sings it with the band

Obladi oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years ___they have/will built a home sweet home
___________¡?__________ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever ____after in the market place_________________
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays _at home…_________
And in the evening _____she is the singer in the band

Obladi oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!!
Lala how the life goes onObladi Oblada life goes on ahhhhhhhh!!
Lala how the life goes on

And _if you want some f*ck Take Obladiblada

Exercice of Gilma Ivonne Cortes Araiza


Desmond has a borrower in the market place
Molly is the singer in a band
Desmond says to Molly "Girl I like your face "
And Molly says this is as she takes him by the hand
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

Desmond takes a trolly to the jewellers store
Buys a twenty carat golden ring
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her she begins to sing
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard.
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she still sings it with the band
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years They have built a home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she still sings it with the band
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
And If you want some fun
Take Obladiblada
Thank you




Desmond ______________ in the market place
Molly is the singer ______________________
Desmond says to Molly "Girl _______________"
And __________________________ him by the hand
Obladi oblada life goes ____________________
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes ___________________
Lala how the life goes on

Desmond____________________the jewellers store
Buys a twenty _______________________
_____________________to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her _________________
Obladi oblada life goes __________________
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes __________________
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years ____________________
_____________________ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever_________________________
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays _______________________
___________________ she still sings it with the band
Obladi oblada life goes ___________________
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes ___________________
Lala how the life goes on

In a couple of years _____________________
_____________________ running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones

Happy ever __________________________
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays ________________________
And in the evening ______________________
Obladi oblada life goes ____________________
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes ___________________
Lala how the life goes on
And ________________________________
Take Obladiblada
Thank you