lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Global Warming

Global Warming is a problem that affects the Earth, but what are humans doing about it? This is a question that makes us hesitate, because we can see that there are a few people that try to save the planet, but what about the rest? Some people are just looking after their own interest, they want a ‘perfect’ place to live, and they don’t care about the other living creatures.

But what does global warming mean? In the video we can see that it is a problem that increases the global temperature.
Some causes could be changes in solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions and atmosphere greenhouse gas concentration. But humans are guilty too.

In Panamá a solution has been taken, it was to sow a million trees. It is a good idea. In China some people had been trying to make stop the global warming, too.
Every human can help the planet. How? There are many things we can do, maybe we can’t go back to the last centuries but we can stop some problems in the world that can be related to the global warming. One of the things that we can do is not to use too much energy. We can use public transportations instead of using the car, and with that, we save the planet from pollution. Another thing is to recycle paper, glass… we can be the heroes of our own place. We can give the children a different education were they are made conscious about the danger that suffers our planet.

1 comentario:

Verónica Poujol dijo...

I loved your blog. The topic is just updated and somehting we are all concerned about. Gaby,Arturo,Gilma and José Manuel, I read and listened and I found everything you said interesting. As I can not make corrections here, I want you to do some peer-correction in "word" before you post it here. In this way you can make sure it will look really well written or said.

Your mark: 10

Keep posted!