domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Global warming

Global warming
-This video show us the actual condition that our planet are been subjected in the last century. The global warming its a problem that consider all of us, because if we dont do anything about that we could harm our planet at a point that we couldn´t return.
What is the global warming?
-The global warming is a effect that do the temperatura of our planet increase
What is the reasons of that effect?
-One of the reasons is the gases of the indutrials prodecures like industria of petroleum, oils and cars.
-The emission of the cars that in most of the time has CO2, O3, and CO (greenhouse gases).
What is the consecuences of that?
-The concecounces are the melting of the poles, the acid rains, the hole in the ozone cap, etc.
What we could do to save the planet?
-Changing the traditional bulbs for other low.
-Use fewer electrical appliances
-Disconnect electrical appliances

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